(With Guest Writer: Shakespeare)
Greetings from the vale from whence the springs flow, the breezes doth blow, and we embrace the return of the crow. So says Shakespeare, the "Bard"er Collie.
A bard, by definition is "a poet, especially a lyric poet". Now I may only look like a border collie to you, but don't let my looks deceive you; underneath that adorable furry exterior lies the heart of a poet.
We sat for a while close to a fence with the most enticing creatures on the other side. All my herding instincts said, "GO GET THEM!!" but my lady was not convinced. She doesn't think I am ready yet. She's probably right but oh, to give those creatures a merry chase would make my tail wag in excess.
Please oh please?
Harumph. I guess that was a "no."
I did learn something today though. These creatures do not like when I jump at them. Their rather large feet kick up the dirt and they looked at me rather disapprovingly. I'll keep trying though because I think they would be good friends once they get used to me. Who wouldn't like this face?
Leftover snow, mud puddles and MUD. Be honest, don't you want to play in it? Really, I don't know why my lady didn't get down and roll.
From the land of level acres
the sun warmed the air,
and the breeze, still holding a breath of winter
gave a hint of not having a care.
For the puddles of mud and water beckoned,
a chance to frolic and play;
to run with the wind on this, an April Spring day.
If only the lady would lope along faster,
and I didn't have this leash,
but I need to learn some manners forthwith
or a kick in the head may be my reward.
Not from my lady, but from those big creatures
(She called them "horses")
So for now I'll be content and listen to my teacher.
~Shakespeare the "Bard"er Collie
Shakespeare and Dianne
P.S. This is Dianne. While Shakespeare thought I should roll in the mud, I didn't think I needed to give the neighbors any reason to
P.S.S. Don't believe everything Shakespeare writes. Especially about my jogging ability.
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