Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Moment to Hit Pause

Life has been crazy as of late. Or should I say crazier? Work has been extra busy and that means extra nights there, which messes with my daytime schedule, appointments, lessons, carpooling, etc. Then, fit in exercise and general household tasks and well, life gets crazy.

But today, in the midst of case management, emails, scheduling issues and rescheduling, I am taking a moment to pause, for a breath. For a heartbeat. For a deep heartfelt sigh.

I see the grass turning green,
     the sprigs of Lily of the Valley poking through the unturned soil,
          the first blooms of the daffodils and tulips as they gaily nod their heads in the breeze,
               and I feel the wind gently kiss my cheeks.

If I hadn't hit pause, made a conscious decision to stop, I would have missed it altogether. I am usually rushing from place to place, job to job, in hopes of an elusive time when things will slow down. Always, just on the edge of tomorrow, is a day to relax and rest. Elusive, almost mythical, sometimes it feels like the joke is on me.

But I want the last laugh.

Life is busy, but I can decide that it isn't going to control my every waking moment. When I come home from work, why is it that the first thing I tend to do is scan the sink for dishes? Then, before my jacket is even off, I am filling the sink with water. I don't even stop to realize that I just worked a 12-hour shift and it is okay to let it go for a little while. I do not need to be super-mom, super-housekeeper, super-anything. At least not every single day.

So, as the sound of "My Favorite Things" plays through my head, here are a few of my favorite things from the moment I took today to pause. To breath. To let my heart beat at a normal, relaxed pace.

And just because..."Whiskers on Kittens"...

...and these are a few of my favorite things....


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