Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snowman Weather (Can you see me smile?)

On a day when I have 8,643,249 things to do and just as many thoughts twirling in my brain, 
I took a break, went for a jaunt up the driveway, and paused on my return trip to build a snowman. 
The sun was shining and the jacket was left behind. No hat, no gloves, no scarf. Aaaahhh. Dare I even say it? Maybe I'll whisper it, "Spring!" 

Here is Rosemary: 

She's lovely, is she not? 
I mean, who wouldn't want hair like that? 
Well, okay, if not the hair, at least the smile.
I want that smile!

 I started out building by myself. Just me and my now freezing cold hands. 
Let's just say that even though it was warmer today, snow on the hands is still cold. 
Ryan saw that mom was (gasp!) playing in the snow and he had to come join me. 

Here he is, my little mighty man!

Here is Ryan and Jim Bob

Awwww, my baby. 

Along came Heather after awhile to add to our family of snow people. 
Here is Regina, the Hawaiian Hula Snow Chick.
You should see her move.  

Amy was at work. 
She missed all the fun. 
But...the other day, she joined Heather and I when we were outside after the snowstorm had passed.
She's pretty cute too don't you think?
I do think however that she needs to borrow a smile from Rosemary, 
or even the crooked one from Regina would do. 

And so, somehow in the midst of 8,643,249 things to do and just that many thoughts in my head, 
I forget about them, even if for just a little bit. 
Snowman weather, gotta love it!


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