Friday, June 7, 2013

Rainy Day Blessings

A rainy day is like a comfort food for me. I don't feel obligated to be outside working; I can catch up on the inside chores that I ignore let go for a day when I am out in the sunshine. I like the ting on the rooftop and the rhythmic plips on the windows. But then, I am pulled to go outside, to feel the rain on my face, to breathe in the greenness of it all. I grab my camera and out the door I go. Early June in the can't be beat.

However, don't ask Shakespeare his opinion...he seemed kinda grumpy and bored with the rain.
Maybe it was because I wouldn't roll in the mud or some such.
Really now.

As for the rest of the garden...
Just simply glorious.

 From the raindrops sitting on each blade... the bejeweled leaves... the ripples, well, rippling on the pond... the just-starting-to-form raspberries that are delighting in the rain... the transplanted oregano that has re-perked up with the showers... the various shades of green...

...and more green...

...and yellow...

...and pinks and purples...

 ...and peonies just waiting to pop...Pop...POP...

 (Whew. That was a run-on sentence worthy of being run-on.)
But wait...there's more.
I am blessed by catmint in purple profusion...

...and lupines looking lovely...

...and happy hostas that the snails haven't found yet...

...and one regal rooster...

...and his fluffy flock of hens.

A Rainy Day in June? 
Not so.
A Blessing? 
You bet!



  1. What gorgeous plants & pictures! I love the greens of spring & you captured it very well! Love, love those pics of rain drops on the plants. I enjoy the refreshment I get when I check your blog - God has given you a way with words & the camera. Keep using them for Him (& us!) Love you.

  2. Thank you Sharon :) Somehow writing refreshes me too! Love you back :)
