Sunday, March 24, 2013

You Never Know What Lies Beneath the Floor

As I have been cleaning, priming and painting Aaron's old room, I am again looking at the old linoleum   on the floor. When we first moved into this house, this was definitely one of the things I thought I'd be getting rid of. 

But then, the crazy stuff began to grow on me. I rather liked the vintage look, and it just fit my old farmhouse with it's crooked and roughly finished walls. Besides, it was relatively easy to keep clean and I hate vacuuming. Now, 16 years later, that linoleum is still in it's place on four of the bedroom floors. 

So, as I was priming the  baseboard I was up close and personal with the floor. I noticed that I was getting bits of yellowed paper, crumbly and old, in my paintbrush. The edge of the linoleum, curling up in places, was allowing what was underneath to be discovered. 

Beneath my flooring, I found layers and layers of The Meyersdale Republic and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 1948-1949. I really wanted to roll up the linoleum and read.
Then, after I did read for a little while, I started to wonder what all I had missed out on, being a child of the 70ies. The late 1940ies looked like "the good old days." Of course, my children could say that about the 70ies,

But just take a peek; it just feels so American, apple pie, baseball and all that. 

At the State Theatre, Meyersdale PA ("The Industry's Finest Productions Beautifully Produced"):
The Double Feature for Aug 26-27-28 (cost for matinee $0.14-$0.30. Yes, that is in cents)
Also showing was Walt Disney's immortal "BAMBI" , "The Argyle Secrets", "Raw Deal", and "Buck Privates". 

Hmmm, that's an interesting help wanted. I wonder why "no cooking"? 

 Looks like Meyersdale was quite the town back in the day.  But then I found a section called "Springs Babblings". That, my friends, was the place to be. Everybody knew everybody and Sunday afternoons were made for visiting. 

As I read through some of the pages I confiscated from under the flooring, I started thinking about the events in my own life that I want to have remembered by someone. Will what I have done become floor padding? Or will it be cherished by future generations?

I guess that is one reason I blog; to leave my memories someplace besides in my head. I want my children, grandchildren, great-great-great-great grandchildren to know what it was like in the 1970's, 1980's, 90's, the turn of the century. "Wow, she was alive in the year of Y2K and then she survived Dec 21, 2012!" Or "How did she ever use one of those archaic Apple computers?" But even better, I want them to know why I was happy, what I believed, what I struggled with, who I loved, how I loved, how I lived and why I lived.

That's why I blog. (Scrapbook too, but this takes less time!)
And now, as I get ready to post Blog # 300, I am thinking of what do do for a way to celebrate. 
Hmmm, I've done Knock You Naked Brownies, and I've done Mocha Brownies, so now what? 

Apple Pie, that's what. 

So, here's what you do to get put into the drawing (I'll be giving away 3). Join the site with Google Friend Connect (it's on the blog sidebar thingie), give me a comment, a "like" or a share on Facebook. Easy as Apple Pie!


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