Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Flexibility is More Than Just Doing A Split

Flexibility is a good quality to possess. Now, I don't mean the "doing splits" kind of flexible, but the being able to change plans kind of flexible.

(Although, being able to do splits would be interesting.)

I planned to go somewhere this evening to meet with someone. I was getting ready to eat supper and then go shower when Ryan started acting funny. Not "ha-ha" funny, but just quiet. It didn't take long before he started crying and said he had a headache and didn't feel good. Just like that, my plans changed.

Now, I am watching an old Disney movie, Rascal with Ryan; it's about a boy and his pet raccoon. I could be at my meeting, mowing yard, weeding out the herbs, or cleaning something. Instead, plans changed and I needed to be flexible.

Did I like my plans changed? No.
Do I feel like watching a movie? Maybe later, after dark, but not now.
Do I take the change in plans in stride? Not always.

For the most part, I like to know what I am doing, and when. I like structure. I like schedules, daily planners, and to-do lists.

But I also like to be able to "go with the flow" and be able to adapt to whatever comes my way. Just like so many things in life, it comes down to balance. One extreme or the other is never good. I learned when my children were babies, that strict schedules and I never really worked. Every time something would happen and the schedule got messed up, I was frustrated and anxious. We just did better having a flexible schedule that accounted for the unexpected.

I guess that's just how I am wired. Or short-wired as the case may be. It would be easy to get angry, and honestly, sometimes I do, when things change and life throws me a curve ball, but everyone is happier when I can be flexible.

I have a work schedule, and events with the family that can't just be changed, but sometimes there are things that I can adjust or work around if I have to. It is in those times that I can choose what my priorities are.

Tonight I choose to be a mother to a little boy who needs me to be here.
And I am thankful I have the option.


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