Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday, Then and Now


When I was a kid, that meant cartoons and cleaning house. My sisters and I would watch The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Pink Panther and Bugs Bunny. Later came The Smurfs. Once Mom was up, the dusting, sweeping, cleaning sinks and toilet, vacuuming and mopping began. This all took place throughout the day and then in the evening, it was bath time and time to watch "Hee-Haw".

Does anybody else remember "Hee-Haw"? The donkey at the end with his mouth wide open with the credits rolling? The corny jokes and hillbilly mentality? The women with the short shorts and low-cut blouses? The men in bib overalls? Watching it was a Saturday Tradition in the Bender household.

Today, Saturday's in my house don't quite follow the same traditions. For one thing, my work schedule doesn't allow for much consistency with weekends. The other reason is that I don't always like to save one day for housecleaning; my house needs it way before Saturday rolls around.

So what is a "typical" Saturday like? I have no idea. But, today...
Leo and Aaron are at a safety class of some kind for work.
Adrienne, Amy, and Heather and Ryan were up between 7-9AM. They were watching Curious George on PBS and checking out Facebook online.
I got up around 10AM and we all made brunch. Scrambled eggs, Chai Tea, Sour Cream Pancakes with either blueberry sauce, peanut butter or maple syrup.
We all did the dishes and straightened up the kitchen.

Now, I am writing this and drinking my coffee.
Heather is listening to music and looking up something for school.
Adrienne is cleaning out her "treasure box" of childhood keepsakes.
Amy and Ryan are watching Adrienne.

What's the rest of the day going to be like? I still have no idea. But, what I'd like to accomplish...
          Finish painting the dressers in Heather's room and get the wallpaper border up.
          Help Ryan clean up his pigsty, err, I mean bedroom. Oink.
My today resolution: Whatever I do, I need to do it with an attitude of gratefulness. I have been blessed with much.

" ...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Enjoy your Saturday!


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