Friday, January 6, 2017

Intending to be Intentional

January 6, 2017. Any resolutions made? Broken? Or have you decided to buck the tradition and go with the truth that every day is a new day, whether it is February 26, June 7, or December 13? I'm a little bit of "all of the above".

2016 ended quietly, just Leo and I. It was almost too quiet. I finally tuned into Spotify and put on some instrumental Worship songs. This made me relaxed and too sleepy, so I browsed some more and put on 1980's Love Songs. As Chicago, Air Supply and other unfamiliar artists with familiar words and tunes ushered in 2017, Leo and I reminisced about the "Good Old Days" of the 80's.  Has it really been 30 years? And what was so special about Betty Davis' eyes anyhow? (This was the song being sung at midnight.)

My New Year's resolution: Be more INTENTIONAL. What does that even mean? For me, it means that I want to have an intent and purpose to whatever it is that I am doing. For instance, browsing the web: I can spend waste so much time going from one thing to the next. If it isn't going to benefit my family or enrich my life in some way, then what is the point? I mention the internet because, for me anyhow, it can consume way too much time. Instead, I want to spend more time reading from books, studying the Bible, praying, cooking, keeping my household organized, exercising, talking to friends, and the list goes on.....

Have I broken resolutions? Yes. Will I be more successful this year than others? I don't know, but I'm going to take each day as it comes, and I'm going to strive to be intentional. 

" Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought."

So far, in 2017, I've exercised three times but I've also eaten three chocolate chip cookies. I finished the book Remnants of a Life on Paper by Bea Tusiani but haven't decided for sure on the next; Adrienne gave me Hind's Feet in High Places but I have some others that I've started, like Strong Women, Soft Hearts by Paula Rinehart, and Riverton by Kate Morton. I have a coffee date with a friend that has yet to be finalized, but it will happen! In the end, being intentional is great, but it does involve following through with the intention.

 “What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.”
Pablo Picasso

The best part about a new year? It makes us feel like renewing, revisiting goals, cleaning up and clearing out. And while I can do that on any day of the year, I'm thankful that I am reminded and given a push at least once a year. 

Happy and Blessed New Year to each of you!

Love, Dianne

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