BUT I"M THE MOM!!! Can't one of my kids still call me "Mommy"?
I don't know if I'm ready for this.
I am ready for this. Think: quiet mornings and coffee on the porch....
Or not.
Ryan is my baby. Maybe it's always the hardest with the baby of the family. Maybe I'm weird. I love the relationships I have with all of my older ones, like coffee dates with Adrienne, Sunday afternoon lunches and laziness with Aaron and Lisa-Anna, random hugs and spiritual conversations with Amy, Celtic Thunder concerts with Heather....these weren't things we did when they were 12, 11, 7, 5 and 1. So why am I feeling so keenly some days, this loss of childhood?
(Ummm...ignore the date. It wasn't January.) |
Back then, they didn't drink coffee, Sunday afternoons were spent jumping on the trampoline, and you couldn't go to concerts or the theater and experience it in the same way. Deep conversations involved how to make frog legs palatable, how to build a better campfire, why doing dishes builds character and why cleaning your room gives you even more depth (or maybe it was the depth of the piles of laundry that were discussed...I don't remember...it's all such a blur now).
And now my baby is going to be 13 in September. And he is leaving for a week and I am already missing him. He comes to me every morning for a hug and I like that routine. It should've had his height tattooed on my person, like how you'd put it on your wall; with every passing year, the top of his head gets just a little bit higher and I don't want to forget.
Okay, maybe I am weird. And I don't really like needles. Never mind. It's just all this nostalgia is making my brain mushy. But, it's a good mushy. I like remembering. I like that I have memories that I can pull out every so often and ponder. And I know that today will someday be a memory that I'll treasure too.
But, if any of my kids reads this, it's okay to every once in a while, let a "Mommy" slip out.
Oh, and my Saturday? It turned out to be a really good day, nostalgia and all.
First of all...you are such a good writer ! You just took me back thru the memories of my days with my boys as well. If you are weird...then so am I. We are so blessed to have our memories!! You are an awesome, weird "Mommy".. Love you Dianne :) Leeanna