So, Day 4: Letter D and Day 5: Letter E are going to be as one. I must catch up. Here are the suggestions from my youngest:
Downtown to Eden....I don't know what I can do with that.
Dirty Elephant. Interesting.
Entertaining Dianne. Nope. Not happening.
Dianne the Entertainer (complete with circus music on the recorder). Better, but no, just no.
I am trying to focus here and Adrienne and Ryan are warming up their singing voices. Singing "Bubble gum bubble gum bubble gum" over and over is not conducive for creative writing. If anything, it is a Dead-End.
That's it!
How many times in our lives do we feel like we have come to a Dead-End?
"a situation, a plan or way of doing something that leads to nothing further".
I have mornings that I awaken, slap at the snooze button, all the while thinking of all the negative aspects that the day could bring. You want to talk about bringing my day to a screeching Dead-End before it's even started.
Like right now, someone asked me about my tax returns and information and I slammed headfirst into a Dead-End. This was all on my Mac, my lifeless Mac that has hit its own Dead-End. I want to sink into a puddle of self-pity. Poor me. Waaaaahhhhh.
But that doesn't help anything does it? At least it never does for me. Rather, it makes me anything but Dianne the Entertainer. My attitude is worse than a Dirty Elephant and I may be headed downtown but it is not to Eden.
"Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street." ~Zig Ziglar
This needs to be my focus on those dead-end days. Detour, not dead-end.
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