Peace, Quiet, Rest and Snow
P,Q,R & S
Because this week was anything but that
(except for the snow part),
and I am behind on days and letters,
I am grouping them together.
So... my week was really more like this:
Packed, Quickly, Running and yes, Snow
Today was the first day that I could get up in the morning
and go absolutely nowhere. And that is only because Ryan's Musical Theater class was cancelled. And because I had a husband and daughters who were willing to do a little driving around for the things that weren't cancelled. I felt like a lady of leisure.
I don't know why some weeks just get packed so very quickly.
What starts out as a blank slate soon gets penciled in with
orthodontist appointments,
hair appointments,
scheduled work,
work to cover call-offs,
dance practice,
theater class,
church activities,
etc, etc, etc.
The running begins and I wonder if the neighbors wonder if they should put up a traffic light at the end of our driveway.
But then,
I like snow.
(When I don't have to go out in it that is.)
Today was my day for a little PEACE.
I could have slept in this morning, but I didn't.
I enjoyed a slower paced morning,
drinking coffee and working a crossword puzzle.
Just me and a little think-time.
For the first time this week, I got to enjoy some time with Amy, home for college just for a week. I miss my girl.
Yes, today was good.
Today was my day for a little QUIET.
I worked in my sewing corner and Amy worked on her art. Sometimes conversation happened, but sometimes it was just... QUIET.
Yes, today was good.
Today was my day for a little REST.
I always have something to do.
Usually, it is work-related.
Almost always, it gets pushed to the top of the list.
Today, it didn't because all week long it was at the top.
I needed some kind of creative outlet.
To me, that is restful.
Snow falling.
Gentle and quiet.
Barely a sound, yet leaving its mark.
A reminder to me that sometimes
it is the quiet things that make the most impact.
The ground is white, imperfections covered.
I know the snow causes problems and delays.
The roads are slick and peace seems elusive.
But in the midst of it all, somehow it is restful.
At least for today.
For you,
I encourage you to take a day or part of a day,
and seek peace, quiet and rest.
It will make the jam packed-full, quick-paced,
running, running, running weeks
so much better.
And soon,
instead of snow,
it'll be sunshine!