Sometimes a blog posting takes a few days to come to fruition.
After all, the days are busy, full of the normal day-to-day stuff of living.
Like laundry.
(First load to hang out on the line.)
Blue jeans and blue skies…
Ah yes.
Then the last few days shouted "I'm Spring!"
and we were outdoors…
…with the herds of cattle, Ryan's cattle.
Ryan could hardly wait to get his tractors out into the newly raked yard.
And, in case you ever thought pine trees were a less-messy alternative to raking leaves, they're not.
See those piles?
That's a lot of pine needles. And pine cones.

Did you know that they get embedded in the ground over the winter?
On a more positive note, if anyone needs pinecones for Christmas decor, we got 'em.
Do you know what the best part of my Saturday was?
It wasn't getting a portion of the yard raked.
It wasn't hearing the birds chirping cheerfully.
It wasn't even being off work on a gorgeous day (although that came close!).
The best part of my day was watching Ryan get creative.
I wasn't surprised at the cows, the tractor and the soon "plowed up" dirt.
But when a part of the yard became a hole,
and the hole became a "manure pit"
I was a little surprised.
Not surprised at him, because he likes to be the master of his miniature farm,
but surprised at myself.
Surprised that I didn't care that he had just dug a hole in the yard
and that he was making it look like Shakespeare went a little crazy.
Ryan was only doing what his dad was doing on Saturday.
The smell of manure being spread on the fields...
does anything say "Spring" like that?
Another fun part of my day?
Finding relics in the dirt as I repaired some flower beds,
leading me to wonder what these items would say to my descendents
had them found them 100 years from now.
Not pottery shards or primitive tools, but interesting nonetheless.
Usually when I rake the yard, all my pine needle piles just stay there for a while.
For a long while.
But not this time.
Thanks Leo and Ryan!
Sometimes a blog posting takes a few days to come to fruition.
Not only because of busy days, but when evening comes and all is quiet,
I try to write and I fall asleep.
I think that means life is good.
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