Saturday, January 18, 2014

Loving Me Some Saturday

For today at least, I am loving Saturday.

When I was a youth of the 70's and 80's, Saturday mornings were for cartoons, like the Smurfs, The Pink Panther, Mr Magoo, Scooby-Doo, The Flintstones and The Jetsons. Buttered toast and scrambled eggs were on the menu. Later in the morning, if Dad had some down-time from farm work, he'd watch wrestling and we'd sometimes watch with him. Hulk Hogan. Dusty Rhodes. Andre the Giant, The Sheik. I remember a few.

(Did I really just admit that?)

Now? Saturday mornings are for sleeping in, eggs with peppers, mushrooms and olives, a glass of orange juice, and sometimes fresh donuts from Springs Store. Oh, and coffee while reading the newspaper or like today, a gardening magazine. I know it's cold and snowy, but I know that underneath all that, there are growing things just waiting for Spring.

Saturday afternoons when I was growing up were about cleaning the house. Everything got a good going-over with the dust cloth, the vacuum and mop. Sinks were scoured, toilets were scrubbed and laundry was folded neatly and put away. Bedrooms were supposed to be cleaned, but sometimes one would get distracted listening to the radio and needing to have total silence while a hand-held tape recorder was held close to the radio while a song was recorded. I wish I still had those cassette tapes; those were some of the best songs. Kenny Rogers, Anne Murray, Barry Manilow, Duran Duran, the Eurythmics, Billy Joel, REO Speedwagon, Chicago and Air Supply.

Yes, I liked REO Speedwagon.

Now? I still clean the house. More or less. I think because of my work schedule, I don't have a set cleaning routine much to my house's dismay. I clean when I get a chance and when I am motivated. If that is all I did on a day off, I truly would never get anything else accomplished. I can live with a little dust. Or a lot. I'm building my family's immunity.

What else, besides cleaning, does this Saturday hold? I need to go get groceries and Leo and I are going on a date to a neighboring Amish farm to get some milk because  I am going to try to make cheese. Mozzarella cheese. Or at least try. I'll let you know how that goes.

Saturday evenings as a kid meant bath time followed by Hee-Haw. Isn't that what everybody watched Saturday night? I don't remember much else about Saturday evenings, but everything felt right. The faint smell of lemon and pine mingled with the scent of fresh linen lingered in the air, the lamps were on and the cozy glow made you want to curl up in the living room. It was good.

Now? My teenagers often have someplace to go, an activity or The Event at church. When they were little, it meant bath time for them just like it had for me and my sisters. Ryan still needs a push to get his taken. But otherwise, Saturday night (when I am off work) is for Leo reading Lancaster Farming, eating Brie, and for me, it's whatever project I am currently working on. Sometimes it is just reading a book. Occasionally I like to bake in the evenings; maybe something to go with my coffee Sunday morning.

Sunday's. That a whole different story, one I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Happy Saturday!!

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