For me, it started at 1201 just after the stroke of midnight (I was at work.) The night was somehow long, even though it was busy. I was anticipating going home and knowing I couldn't just up and leave made the minutes drag. But eventually 0715 rolled around and I was free to go. I changed into my boots and trudged to the parking garage.
Waiting for my car to warm up, I played a quick game of Candy Crush (thanks dear daughter for introducing me to this addiction) and listened to the radio. Hark the Herald Angels Sing came across the airwaves followed by a recorded interview of the woman whose father penned Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Gene Autry's voice then filled my car as he sang of this famed reindeer while I pulled out of the garage and onto a relatively empty street. Was this really Wednesday?!
Sheetz, I was headed to Sheetz and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Free coffee mind you. Maybe today wasn't just like any other day. I mixed my coffee absentmindedly, half Breakfast Blend-half Creme Brûlée cappuccino and noted that just about everyone else in the store had a coffee in hand as well. A small gesture during the holidays, but a welcome gift nonetheless.
I pushed myself to get home. I turned up the radio. I rolled down the window. I shouted at myself to stay awake. I eventually got home. Today, it was important to get home ASAP; my family was there waiting. Again, maybe today wasn't just another ordinary day.
A breakfast casserole awaited me, hot in the oven and as I ate and sipped my coffee, the sounds of my family surrounded me as much as the myriad of colored and white lights did. The television was showing The Santa Clause 3 movie and someone made room for me on the couch. That's all it took and I was asleep. I wasn't dreaming; this day was different.
Today is December 25th. Christmas Day, the day we remember the birth of Jesus. This year it falls on a Wednesday and could be a day just like any other. Except….
…the mood out and about, in town, at work, at home is festive, caring, and different.
…peace on Earth, goodwill toward men feels possible.
…the music is a blend of ancient and new but all tells the same story.
…the day feels like a holiday, a day when unnecessary work can wait.

…my kids are still up, playing games and giggling.
A day that could be like any other, except we choose to set it aside, to make it different. To remember that there was once a day that a baby was born, a Holy baby, a King. A day that we set aside, so we can remember and celebrate. A day that gives us an excuse to be together, to set aside time to talk, to eat, to play. A day that lets us be generous with our time, with our gifts.
I am thankful that today wasn't just another day. Happy Birthday Jesus.
Love & Merry Christmas,