I am sitting in the low light of Japanese Lanterns, the scent of a Spice Cake candle lingering in the air as I sip a hot coffee, munch on popcorn and enjoy the evening on the porch. I don't know what the weather holds for the future, but as my enclosed porch is not heated, I am going to enjoy this space whilst I can.

This is your destiny when your washing machine decides that it is finished.
The Neptune and I? No longer are we friends.
I had both front and back seats packed with baskets of dirty towels, socks, shirts and pants, blankets and sheets. I took $20 in quarters, something to read, something to drink, and an apple.
I felt like I should be reading Corduroy. You know, the book about the little bear with bib overalls and his little girl Lisa? In the second book, A Pocket for Corduroy, he gets tossed in the washing machine after getting mixed in with someone else's laundry and then….no, I don't want to spoil the ending for you, just in case you've never read it.
Ahh, the machine's are humming and I am taking advantage of the time here to catch up on some reading. This is kinda fun and I like getting it all done at once. If only I didn't have to look at the piles piling up at the house all week. And if this place would have recliners that would be even better.
However, it's actually a rather nice laundromat, as laundromats go that is.
I started around 10:00 unloading my car, which I had parked across the street. I carried those baskets in, one at a time, and wondered why on earth I had parked where I did. I racked up 1/2 mile on the pedometer though.
I thought I was finished at about 11:15 but then I realized that I washed one load without any detergent.
Now that won't do. Sigh. I put in another $2.50 in quarters and read another chapter or two.
The laundromat and I? Friends.
Take that Neptune.
Once the machines were silent once more, I reloaded the baskets, took them back out to the car (much heavier this time!) and took the damp clothes home to await their turns either on the line, in the dryer, hanging on the clothes rack, or draped on the warm radiators.
And me? I am on the porch, thankful for small town laundromats and the smell of fresh clothes.
I know my baby is 10 years old, but tonight I'm going to see if he'll let me read to him. I think Corduroy needs to come off the shelf one more time.
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