I am thankful for boots.

1980's cool.
What I really wanted was a pair of tall, brown leather boots that would blend seamlessly with a wool plaid skirt and a matching sweater. I could picture it. I had a cousin, Sheila, who dressed like that and she was way cool.
I could see myself wearing that skirt. Even now. And those boots? Yeah, I could wear them too. Except for the heels. Back in the 80's I would've done the heels (or at least tried!), but now, I am a little more practical.

That was my dream.
My reality? Well, with three girls to outfit for the winter on a farmer's salary, the best solution was practicality and function, not beauty. I don't think we ever bought the actual brand of Moon Boots, but a generic version would "do just fine." And although they were warm and oh-so-functional, they weren't what this girl pictured wearing all day in school, with a dress. And they couldn't cost more than $15.00 and that was that.
I knew it shouldn't be all about style and trend. I knew it shouldn't be about who I wanted to impress with my fashion sense, but I made it so. I hated these practical, boring boots that made me look, in my mind, very mundane. Boring. Blah. And to be honest, I wasn't so sure I liked that.
I am not always proud of the way I thought about things in those days. And really, to stand out in the snow, awaiting the bus, with wimpy boots would have been asking for trouble. Cold feet. Pneumonia. But, I was proud. Too proud. And many days I would abandon the boots and wear regular shoes and after sliding down the driveway to the bus, often trying to keep my skirt from whipping up in my face, all the while with everyone looking, I would be kinda ready to admit that wearing the boots might have been a good idea.
Fast forward 30 years.
I am thankful that I had parents who wanted to keep me and my sisters warm in the winter.
I am thankful that every year they let us get new boots.
I am thankful that they taught us the value of a dollar and that spending more for something doesn't always mean it was the best choice.
I am thankful for all 10 toes that survived frostbite thanks to those boots.
Thanksgiving is today. I am thankful for so much more than boots, but as I head out with my girls to take advantage of some sales, boots are on the list x3. We may even be able to keep it around $15 a pair. But even if we don't, I am thankful for some time to spend with my girls.
As I looked to try to find the perfect quote, the perfect verse to go with today, I couldn't.
All that comes to mind is "Give thanks with a grateful heart."
Whether it is for the abundant feast we had today, the time spent with my loved ones, the warm house or a pair of boots, I want to be thankful with a heart that is bowed before the God that provides and cares for me.