Every year at Christmas I try to get a photo of the kids either by the tree or somewhere else for Christmas cards. I thought I'd share some with you all today. I like to look back and remember. I think my kids would like to tell you how much they look forward to this time and that the bonding that occurs makes the torture photo session worth it.
I don't have a photo from last Christmas because a little boy borrowed the camera and kindly deleted ALL the photos on the card. Then he hid the camera behind the couch. In his defense, I don't think he meant to delete them; I think he was just checking them out and....oops.
But...there is always this year...so get ready for the photo session my 5 little pretties....muwahhh ha ha ha...
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
I am trying to find (either on the computer or in my many stacks of photos) of 2009...Maybe I'll have to find some of the ones that never made it to the Christmas card Hall of Fame. Cause some of those are kinda funny. : )
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