Friday, December 16, 2016

Cookie Envy

Madame Cookie Baker 
She's ready to roll.
The dough that is.

I may be experiencing cookie envy. This is not the same thing as Cookie Monster wanting another person's cookie. This involves Christmas baking and could mean the difference between a plate of exquisite macaroons, detailed gingerbread men and perfectly puffed meringues or misshapen Amish church cookies that should be in the shapes of Christmas trees, cows, music notes or hearts, but instead look like the art of Picasso in a variety of blobs with randomly placed chocolate chips.
(See Exhibit A)

Exhibit A
 I like making cookies. (Who am I kidding? I like eating the cookies.) The taste always takes me back to my childhood and my mom making these cookies. I loved the fact that they had to be rolled out and we got to use her cookie cutters in the shapes of a bunny, hen and Scottie dog. She'd add just one chocolate chip per cookie (for the eye) and they were just the best. And I do not remember any blob shaped cookies. Ever. (See Exhibit B for a sampling of the umpteen dozen that my mom and my sister Kim made the other day)

Or the beautifully decorated and perfectly shaped confections my sister Roxanne made.
 (See Exhibit B)

Exhibit B

I think part of the appeal in baking Christmas cookies is the nostalgic feeling it brings. Floured counters, wooden rolling pin, cookie cutters in all variety of shapes (some of which I've never used, like a tooth shaped one. What is that about?? Of course, my blob shaped cookies could be misconstrued as the tooth.)

In the end, I could see a few star shapes here and there. And I had to overlook and overcook at least one batch. We are just calling those "biscotti". Ahem.  I mean, anything tastes better dipped in coffee first thing in the morning, eh?


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lovin' a Snowy Day

 I was feeling a little sad that the snow over the weekend had all melted by Monday morning. I don't mind snow and, like most folks, snow is especially welcome in December during the Christmas season.

On this gray morning, Ryan and I were both in the living room. He was working on his English and I was practicing my typing, trying to improve my word per minute stat. Then I looked up and saw a fine mist of snowflakes coming straight down. This misting soon turned into full-blown, I'm-in-a-snowglobe kind of a snow. It was the kind of snow that made me want to run outside and play.

So I did.

I found my winter boots from the back of the closet and put them on over my fuzzy red and green striped Christmas socks. Then I decided that snowflake PJ bottoms were 100% appropriate for walking in the snow and grabbed my jacket before donning red gloves, scarf and hat. Not that it was really all that cold outside, but somehow it all just felt right.

I grabbed my camera from the stove and I was off out the door.

 The cows enjoy being outside when it isn't too cold. I think that they secretly make snow angels and put their tongues out to catch the flakes when no one is looking. Don't let them fool you.

 And I walked and I may have put my tongue out to catch a few flakes and then I remembered a 7th grade science fair project on acid rain and I wasn't so sure, but then Ryan joined me and he did the same thing. I thought, "Shucks, we used to eat the snow and the kids would make snow cream like Little Bear did and they all survived."  So, go ahead, catch a few flakes!

Even John Deere green goes well with the snow. And it never hurts to have the old thing around when a snow blower is needed. Maybe not this snowfall, but you just never know!

I walked peacefully to the end of the driveway, got the mail and then back down. Hot cider with chai tea sounds just about right, don't you think?
Happy Snow Day! 

Love, Dianne